tell us a FUTURISTIC story?


tell us a FUTURISTIC story? is very simple to learn.

The game includes 100 cards, each with a unique fantasty-inspired story prompt.

  • One person, often an adult, serves as the "dealer" or "narrator." They draw the cards and choose which ones to play.

  • The other participants, often a child or two, provide the ideas that explain the relevance of the cards that the dealer plays.

  • The narrator asks the other participants to dream up two characters and a place.

  • Then they draw a card.

  • If the prompt they draw seems fun, read it to the other participants and have them begin the characters’ adventure. If the narrator wants to try another prompt, just draw another card!

  • Continue drawing cards and working together to weave them into the story until the story feels complete.

That’s all there is to it!

With 100 cards to play with, even a drawing of just four prompts results in over 94 million different combinations.

The deck contains 101 cards (100 playable cards and one for the rules).

The cards cover a range of themes and situations: Meeting characters, doing actions, creating events, laying out scenes and background context.